How Lutherans Interpret the Bible

Just wanted to let you know that our church, Trinity Lutheran of Ventura, has viewed the series "How Lutherans Interpret the Bible", hosted by Dr. Mark Allen Powell, and liked it so much we are ordering another set!   Several of our Bible study groups and various ministries have watched it and told me how much they got out of it.   We had so many groups wanting to use it each week that we've had to get another set to spread around.   Our office staff decided to view the series as part of our weekly staff meetings.   As the Church Secretary, and a non-Lutheran, I found it helpful to me personally in my own Christian faith as well as in my work position!   Much of what Dr. Powell shares can be applied to many Christian denominations and is extremely useful in understanding how to read, interpret and apply the Bible.  I highly recommend the set to other Christian ministries!

Marti Bolton
Trinity Lutheran
Ventura, CA

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